Thursday, April 11, 2019


2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

I am blessed to be a Christian that happens to do Process Improvement. We often do focused, week long improvement events called Kaizens. Kaizen is a combo of two Japanese words - Kai which means change and Zen which means good. So Kaizen means change for the good or better.
This morning as we were winding up a kaizen week, this verse came to mind. When we make the decision to repent and trust Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives, He starts a kaizen event in our lives. Having Christ as Lord of our lives and the Holy Spirit as our guide, God changes us for the better.
As you go into your weekend, think about if you need a kaizen in your own life. Why not trust Christ today?

Monday, February 25, 2019

Prayer ADHD

Seriously, is anyone else with me on this? It seems there are days when we have so much going on that prayer time goes something like this:

“Father God, thank you for another day. You are so good, and I love you...I can’t forget to do the agenda for that meeting later in the week, and I need to follow up with Karen. The dishwasher needs run tonight. I forgot last sorry, Lord. Please forgive my busy mind today...”

I’ll confess I’ve had more than my fair share of prayers go like that, even with so looking forward to prayer time. Even with knowing P.R.A.Y., which we discussed in previous posts. It is frustrating! Then, I started reading the book Fervent by Priscilla Shirer. She talks about writing down our prayers so we’ll remember and can record when prayer is answered. It was then that Holy Spirit asked, “Don’t you write out an agenda of items you want to make sure to discuss with your boss when you meet with him? Why not do that with Me to prepare for your time with The Lord?”

When Holy Spirit speaks, we should listen, so I tried it. It has been amazing because it gives quality time with both Holy Spirit and God. First, there is quiet time to listen for what Holy Spirit really wants you to pray about. This time can reveal hidden sin in your life, bring names to your remembrance of who most needs your intercession, time to reflect on who God is. For what do you want to praise Him? What needs surrendered in your life? Is there Scripture to pray? I jot this down in P.R.A.Y. format. This forms a prayer strategy so the Enemy cannot distract me. If I start to get prayer ADHD, I look to my prayer strategy to get back on track. It really has helped me. I pray it may help others as well.  Have a blessed day!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Dross & Tin

Isaiah 1:25
And I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin:
This verse struck a cord with me when I read it. In fact, in my notes, I asked myself the question, “What is my dross and tin?” You may wonder what in the world dross even is. Dross is all the impurities that separates off of silver when it is refined in the fire. When the silver is pulled out of the fire, all that’s left is pure, shiny silver. We also know that tin is a silver impostor. It is shiny like silver, but it easily rusts. It can put up a temporary front from afar, but upon close inspection & a few storms, you can easily see it is not what it appears to be. And so we as Christians can behave.
The dross in your life is what you’re dragging around with you that prevents you from being all God has planned for you. You know, that stuff you won’t let God have? Part of mine is insecurities from my past. It can be guilt, shame, sin, lies from Satan you’ve bought like they were 10 for $10 at the grocery. Anything that prevents us from being able to reflect the Light of Christ as brightly as we can. Now here is the amazing thing about God and His relationship with us. He wants us to be the purest, shiniest silver ever to reflect His light to the world. Because of this, He will send us through the fire to remove this dross from our lives, and we come out so much better for it. For Him. Proverbs 25:4 tells us, “Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer.” So while the fire is tough, you’ll be a vessel for the finer coming out!
We also need to monitor ourselves for tin in our lives. Tin is those things you do or say that have the appearance of being for God, but really are for yourself. Sometimes this is related to our dross. For example, with these insecurities that the Lord is slowly refining away, I sometimes think I need but actually only want to know I’m doing a good job at fill in the blank. I don’t need to know this. I want to know this to feed my own insecurities so I end up going beyond the extra mile. Not for God’s glory but to hear or feel like I’m doing a good job. That is tin. Paul tells us in several places that we’re to do all things to the glory of God and not for man. I had a lesson on that just this week and am working to throw that tin in the trash, not to be recycled! I praise the Lord for a wonderful friend who sharpens my iron!
What dross & tin is in your life? Are they interconnected? Let the Lord throw you in the fire for a bit and see how you come out for the finer.