Monday, February 25, 2019

Prayer ADHD

Seriously, is anyone else with me on this? It seems there are days when we have so much going on that prayer time goes something like this:

“Father God, thank you for another day. You are so good, and I love you...I can’t forget to do the agenda for that meeting later in the week, and I need to follow up with Karen. The dishwasher needs run tonight. I forgot last sorry, Lord. Please forgive my busy mind today...”

I’ll confess I’ve had more than my fair share of prayers go like that, even with so looking forward to prayer time. Even with knowing P.R.A.Y., which we discussed in previous posts. It is frustrating! Then, I started reading the book Fervent by Priscilla Shirer. She talks about writing down our prayers so we’ll remember and can record when prayer is answered. It was then that Holy Spirit asked, “Don’t you write out an agenda of items you want to make sure to discuss with your boss when you meet with him? Why not do that with Me to prepare for your time with The Lord?”

When Holy Spirit speaks, we should listen, so I tried it. It has been amazing because it gives quality time with both Holy Spirit and God. First, there is quiet time to listen for what Holy Spirit really wants you to pray about. This time can reveal hidden sin in your life, bring names to your remembrance of who most needs your intercession, time to reflect on who God is. For what do you want to praise Him? What needs surrendered in your life? Is there Scripture to pray? I jot this down in P.R.A.Y. format. This forms a prayer strategy so the Enemy cannot distract me. If I start to get prayer ADHD, I look to my prayer strategy to get back on track. It really has helped me. I pray it may help others as well.  Have a blessed day!

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